The digital learning space is evolving. Against a backdrop of technological development and changes in learner behaviour, new trends are fast emerging to meet growing needs.
From upskilling to microlearning and artificial intelligence, lets take a closer look at some of them…
Digital upskilling
Didn’t you know? Upskilling your people is in.
With the landscape of work shifting faster than ever, it’s essential that you equip your workforce with the digital skills they need to truly thrive, as well as to prevent stagnation – which has been identified as a key reason why people leave a role.
Upskilling can involve many things, including assessing the current skills gap, creating employee development plans, and setting aside time for training on new software. Connecting employees with a mentor and creating a post-training plan are also great ways to ensure that upskilling has focused on the right areas, and hopefully, that it results in reduced turnover, increased productivity, and higher morale.
The concept of microlearning originates from the Greek word ‘micro’ that means ‘small’ and refers to providing short, focused pieces of content to your audience. So, how does this improve digital learning? Well, it ensures course content is easy to digest, understand and retain whether a user is on the move, in the office or at home. In our distracted world, this makes microlearning perfectly suited to the needs of the modern learner.
If you’re interested in microlearning, discover our collection of eBytes. Covering key topics in small digestible chunks, you’ll join our collection of monsters as they learn how best to navigate the modern workplace. Contact us at hello@learningnexus.co.uk, or on 01453 756000 to find out more!
Mobile-first learning
We live in a smartphone-centred society. So, it’s no surprise that mobile-first development has become a trend this 2023. Through highly intelligent apps, developers can offer learners bite sized learning content wherever they are on the planet – from the office, to home, or on the move. This gives learners increased flexibility which results in higher completion rates.

Data analysis
Data analysis and data-driven learning are set to become more important in the future. Why? Well, the use of data analysis can deeply improve the effectiveness of learning. It has the power to direct learners to the material that they like most, and also, the content that has the potential to help them learn quicker, and more effectively. Awesome!
Artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is currently supercharging the learning and development space. It works by offering personalised suggestions, deep search functionality, and tools catering to learning disabilities. Meanwhile, it can also free up a Learning Managers’ time.
In the future, it may involve things like automated learner journeys based on career mapping exercises, or cross-skilling opportunities highlighted during performance reviews. Whatever form it takes, this trend has the potential to grow on a huge scale, so we’ll be watching it obsessively.
Virtual reality
The arrival of Immersive virtual learning comes after decades of neuroscience research which indicates that our brains are actually tricked by digital content, meaning that we tend to react to immersive experiences in exactly the same way we would to real life situations.
In terms of digital learning, this approach is especially beneficial when high risk training activities are taking place, for example, in the construction or maritime industries. But don’t worry if your role doesn’t involve that, because this approach is predicted to filter down to other learning environments very soon…
Are you seeking to elevate your workforce’s potential? Contact us at hello@learningnexus.co.uk or on 01453 756000 to find out more about our services.