by Marketing | 11 Mar, 2025 | eLearning
Recent research has uncovered some fascinating links between sunlight exposure and brain function, particularly in how it might enhance our ability to learn. One key discovery involves the role of ultraviolet (UV) light (known for helping our bodies produce vitamin D)...
by Marketing | 31 May, 2022 | eLearning
She might have only been at Learning Nexus for less than a year, but Senior Digital Designer Anya has already made quite an impact. In this behind the scenes chat, she talks Pinterest, pets and what she’s learnt so far in her first ever role as a designer. Can you...
by Marketing | 18 May, 2022 | eLearning
Running between 16th – 20th of May, Learning at Work Week casts a spotlight on the human ability to learn, how we can be lifelong learners and the importance of community in empowering people to learn and grow. This year, the campaign’s theme is ‘Learning Uncovered,’...
by Marketing | 10 May, 2022 | eLearning
Did the training and development of staff top your list of aims at the start of this quarter? If so, look no further than Totara Engage. Launched in October 2020, Totara Engage is a Learning Experience Platform (LXP) that facilitates informal online learning and...