These are the key digital learning trends for 2023

The digital learning space is evolving. Against a backdrop of technological development and changes in learner behaviour, new trends are fast emerging to meet growing needs. From upskilling to microlearning and artificial intelligence, lets take a closer look at some...

Behind the scenes at Learning Nexus: Mike

When it comes to passion, our Customer Support Coordinator Mike is the first person that comes to mind. Brimming with bright ideas, he’s become an incredible asset to the Learning Nexus team and quite frankly, we’d be lost without him! We recently sat down...

Here’s how to empower your workforce this 2023

Over the years, we’ve seen many of our clients empower their employees, and this has led us to one key conclusion: An empowered workforce has the ability to unlock lasting organisational success. Why? Well, because when staff feel truly empowered, they’re more...